Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Homework to turn in Thursday (F) and Friday (A)

Please finish these questions/problems - try them all - and be prepared to turn this in to me in class on Thursday.

1.  What is a "simple pendulum"?  What makes a simple pendulum "simple" or why do we call it simple?

2.  Calculate the period of a simple pendulum with a 0.5-m long length:
a.  on Earth
b.  on the Moon, where g = 1.7 m/s/s
c.  on Jupiter, where g is about 2.5 times that of Earth

3.  Draw the approximate shape of the graph for period vs. length of a pendulum.

4.  Draw the approximate shape of the graph for period vs. angle of swing (from 0 to 90 degrees).

5.  You want a pendulum to swing with a period of 2 seconds.  How long must it be?

6.  What is the current standard of the meter based on?

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