Monday, October 27, 2014

Test Prep

- mechanical
- electromagnetic

Further division of wave type:
- transverse
- longitudinal (compressional)

wave equation:
speed (v) = frequency (f) x wavelength (lambda)

Harmonics on a string:
- wavelength = 2L/n
- drawing waveforms
- calculating frequencies and speeds
- knowing that the frequencies go up linearly

Harmonics in a tube:
- same as above, but remember that there are antinodes on both ends (NOT nodes)
- if tube is open on ONE end only, lowest harmonic is one octave lower than if tube is open on both ends
- use speed of sound as your wave speed

Music stuff:
- octave (double frequency)
- go up a semi-tone (guitar fret, piano key, etc.), multiply by 1.0595 (twelfth root of 2)

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