Monday, December 8, 2014

Reminder about formulas for the lab

Thin Len (or Mirror) Equation:

1/f  =  1/di  +  1/do

Remember:  it's quickest to use the x^-1 key on your calculator (4th key down on the left on most calculators).

Percent error = [(experimental - theoretical)/theoretical] * 100

Or if you prefer:

[ (exp - theo) / theo ] * 100

In our experiment, the calculated f (using the thin lens equation) is "experimental".  The "theoretical" value is the one that was printed on the lens or mirror.  (The mirror focal lengths were all 20 cm, except for the one that was 22 cm.)

You'll need to calculate the experimental focal lengths for EACH trial where you have numerical do and di data.  Do these calculations before the next class and add them to your data table (along with the percent error).

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