Monday, November 24, 2014

Hypothesizing for the next lab

E block - please try to have this prepared for Tuesday (December 2).  Don't worry if you are still confused.  I just want us to have somewhere to start our conversation.

Upon our return to class after Thanksgiving, we will begin a new formal lab.  This lab is all about convex and concave lenses and mirrors.  You have played with lenses and mirrors a bit in class.  For our next class, please write a formal hypothesis for this experiment.  The hypothesis should address the following:

How will the distance between object and lens affect whether or not an image is formed, how (relatively) large the image is (bigger/smaller) and whether or not the image is right-side up or upside-down?  Also, address what types of optics (concave or convex lenses and mirrors) will produce images (real or virtual).

FYI - a "real" image can be projected onto a screen (think of setting fire with a magnifying glass), whereas "virtual" images are only seen "inside" lenses or mirrors (think of looking at yourself in a bathroom mirror).

Answers may be something like:

- I believe that all images will form at the focal point, and I think that all images will be real.
- I believe that images will only form if the object is very close, but that these images will be virtual.
- I believe that images will be formed only when the object is between the theoretical focal point and twice the theoretical focal point, and that these real images will always be smaller than the object.
- etc.

Be sure to type out your hypothesis and keep a copy for your formal lab report - I will be checking these at the beginning of class.

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