Friday, November 21, 2014

What to expect on the quiz

1.  Doppler effect
- use of the formula (be sure to understand 't a t a')
- understanding what it means
- red shift, blue shift

2.  Use of trig - Be sure that you can solve for things like:
- sin 20
- finding angle when you know the sine - for example, what is theta when sin(theta) = 0.75

3.  Snell's law and refraction

n = c/v

v = frequency x wavelength

n1 sin (theta 1) = n2 sin (theta 2)

There are two other versions of Snell's law, but you don't actually have to use them - in fact, if you are confused by all the formulas, just forget that those exist and use only the 3 above.

4.  Being able to draw the refracted path when light goes from one medium to another.


Light (wavelength 585 nm) goes from air to a new material.  Angle of incidence is 40 degrees and the angle inside the material is 20 degrees.  Both angles are measured with respect to the normal/perpendicular line.  Find the following:

a.  index of refraction of material
b.  speed of light inside material
c.  frequency of light
d.  wavelength of light inside material

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